The Hillary Clinton Record

A devastating exposé of the most unfit and undeserving individual ever to seek the American presidency.
by John Perazzo

Never in American history has anyone as unfit and undeserving as Hillary Clinton run for U.S. President. While she stands on the threshold of being elected to the White House, she quite literally belongs in a prison cell. This article lays out the case against her, chapter and verse.

Clinton’s Private Email Server & the Espionage Act
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What Should Americans Be Talking About?

  • Should Americans uphold the Judeo-Christian values, which have governed Western civilization until now? Or should they quietly allow the defeat of those values by a false liberalism — false, because it is anything but liberal — which will allow values, such as that of Islamic sharia religious law to settle over the United States? Will people willingly surrender their own culture in order to avoid becoming victims of intimidation?
  • Worse, these policies often come in the seemingly benign-sounding terms of “diversity”, “multiculturalism”, “peace”, “anti-racism”, and “human rights”; but are often used in an Orwellian way to mean their own opposites. Continue reading

America Relinquishs Control of Internet

At the stroke of midnight on September 30, 2016, America said “good-bye” to its long-time oversight of the internet, and along with it, the certainty of internet freedom.

Because the internet was started in the United States, from its inception, the system of managing domain names and numbers has always been conducted in or by the United States.  In 1998, the Department of Commerce (DoC) contracted ICANN, a California-based non-profit, to perform the function of IANA[1] management.  It’s a critical role to ensure that internet domain names are not duplicated and that the assigned numbers are secure.  DoC maintained oversight of ICANN and also performed some related administrative tasks.

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Republican Platform Preamble

We believe in American exceptionalism.

We believe the United States of America is unlike any other nation on earth. We believe America is exceptional because of our historic role — first as refuge, then as defender, and now as exemplar of liberty for the world to see.

We affirm — as did the Declaration of Independence: that all are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe in the Constitution as our founding document. Continue reading

Democrats Platform Preamble

In 2016, Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago: Out of many, we are one.

Under President Obama’s leadership, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the American people, we have come a long way from the Great Recession and the Republican policies that triggered it. American businesses have now added 14.8 million jobs since private-sector job growth turned positive in early 2010. Twenty million people have gained health insurance coverage. The American auto industry just had its best year ever. And we are getting more of our energy from the sun and wind, and importing less oil from overseas. Continue reading

Is the System Rigged? You Betcha.

By Patrick Buchanan

“Remember, it’s a rigged system. It’s a rigged election,” said Donald Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday.

The stunned recoil in this city suggests this bunker buster went right down the chimney. As the French put it, “Il n’y a que la verite qui blesse.” It is only the truth that hurts.

In what sense is the system rigged?

Consider Big Media — the elite columnists and commentators, the dominant national press, and the national and cable networks, save FOX. Not in this writer’s lifetime has there been such blanket hatred and hostility of a presidential candidate of a major party. Continue reading

Classified Document Appears in Romania

Classified Document from Hillary Clinton Found on a Server in Romania

A classified document stolen by hackers from Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for the US presidency, is either from its collaborators found a server in Romania, according to sources cited by the newspaper The Washington Examiner.

Notes from the one year survey to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the case of cyber-attacks that targeted systems of the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for President, suggested that independent groups have found documents classified as military in a server located in Romania.

More here.


State Department official sought FBI declassification of Clinton email