Problems in America: Black Elitists

‘Our Problem Hasn’t Been White Supremacists, It’s Been Black Elitists’: Owens On Black Celebrities

Former NFL player and Utah Republican congressional candidate Burgess Owens joined the Daily Caller’s Adesola Fasoro to discuss Diddy, aka Sean Combs, launching a new party and endorsing Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

In the interview he also discussed what he thinks are the problems with the black community and why he thinks “Make America Great Again” applies to black Americans.

“For those people who are living the American dream making millions of dollars, to continue to the support a party that has done so much damage the black race says really want our problem has been for a long long time, our problem has not been not white supremacists, it’s has been black elitists,” Owens told the Daily Caller. (RELATED: Burgess Owens Says ‘BLM Inc. Is Nothing But A Marxist Organization’)

Owens recently won a GOP House primary in Utah against Kim Coleman by a margin of nearly 20%. He has criticized the Democratic Party over the course of his campaign, saying, “Every place the Democratic party has laid their presence you see misery, you see abject poverty, you see anger.”

From Daily Caller.

“Twitter is running a blackmail operation”

Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

nypost twitter

For all their talk of “neutral platforms,” the Big Shots at Big Tech — Twitter, Facebook and Google — are running a protection racket. They figure they can dictate what Americans get to see and read, and what other media companies must do to reach the public via those platforms.

It’s a clear threat to a healthy democracy — and Congress has noticed. On Wednesday, the Senate launched a hearing to investigate “Big Tech’s bad behavior.”

Center-stage: Twitter’s strong-arm tactics to censor The Post ever since we began reporting on Hunter Biden’s e-mails. First, it froze our account and banned our stories; then, amid a public backlash, it agreed to unfreeze us — but only if we deleted our original tweets.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sounded like every mob enforcer and shakedown artist in history: Nice paper you got there, New York Post. Shame, should something happen to it. He knows full well media outlets depend on social media, and Google search algorithms, to help readers access our reporting.

Sen. Ted Cruz wasn’t fooled: “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear?” he thundered. “Why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?”Ted Cruz lambastes Twitter’s Jack Dorsey over NY Post’s censorship Play Video

Read more at the New York Post here.

Joe Biden is Compromised

Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday that “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised.”

Bobulinski recalled how Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, said “plausible deniability” would shield the Biden family from scrutiny over their Chinese business dealings.

They were putting their entire family legacy on the line. They knew exactly what they were doing,” Bobulinski said.

Read the sad story here at Daily Caller.

Trump and Biden Policies

Here’s What Trump Should Start Saying Immediately About His And Biden’s Policy Records

Economists largely credit Trump with continuing the positive trajectory that started during the Obama administration at the end of the 2008 recession, according to The Washington Post. Biden was vice president at the time but his presidency could disrupt the gains made since.

Biden called for eliminating the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act earlier in the campaign. Repealing the tax reform would lead to a $2,000 tax increase on a family of four earning the median income and a $1,300 tax increase on a single parent earning the median income, according to Americans for Tax Reform.

But undoing the changes made under Trump, including tax and regulatory reform, may not resonate well with voters. One survey Trump should be promoting until Election Day is that 56% of registered voters told Gallup they are better off now compared to four years ago, while only 32% said they are worse off.

See more on Daily Caller here.

Planned Parenthood’s Racism

Coalition of more than 120 black leaders blasts systemic racism of abortion in scathing letter to Planned Parenthood

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A coalition of more than 120 black leaders from both political parties sent a scathing letter to Planned Parenthood, urging the organization to “confront the systemic racism of America’s abortion practices.”

“Today, we are saying emphatically and unequivocally that Planned Parenthood must confront its racist founding, mission and practices. Too many Black lives have been lost to abortion. All Black lives matter,” the letter reads.

More at Disrn here.

How the unThinkable Became Unquestionable

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

Joe Biden, Pro-Life Democrats feel disenfranchised from the Democratic Party and Joe Biden

Last week, in a town hall discussion, the current frontrunner in the election for the presidency of the United States said, in absolute terms, that an eight-year-old boy should be allowed to identify as a girl, and the law and society should treat him as such. No one is laughing anymore.

What exactly happened to usher in this new orthodoxy that often involves chemical manipulation and surgical mutilation? How did this move from an expression of adult freedom to experimentation on children? How did the unthinkable become unquestionable so quickly?

In a new book, one of America’s top theologians argues that what’s at work is far more than a sudden change in morality. Rather, a much older and more subtle revolution in how Western people think about self is now bearing fruit.

In The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution, Grove City professor Carl Trueman makes the case that our ever-growing alphabet of identity claims is, in fact, based on an idea most Westerners embraced long ago. Ultimate reality, we believe, is found within ourselves. The external world, including our bodies, is just a canvas for expressing what we find within.

Trueman joined my colleague Shane Morris on the new Colson Center podcast “Upstream.” During their discussion, Trueman described this idea that he calls “expressive individualism” as the root of our culture’s growing sexual insanity and disconnectedness from reality.

Read the whole article at Christian Headlines here.

Romans 1 26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their 
women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 
27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were 
consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts 
with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.