MLK Had It Right, Woke Has It Wrong

As we approach the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday increasingly more Americans are becoming alert to, and recognizing, that there is a very real and ongoing psychological operation directed at brainwashing them into accepting the normalization and legitimacy of divisive and demoralizing ideologies.

A belief system comprising the “Woke” consciousness and its companion movement.

“Woke” is the progeny of Black Lives Matter (BLM), an organization founded by Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza.

Both women openly admit to being Marxist organizers.

For those equating wokeness with progress, here’s a gnawing question: What good ever came out of Marxism?

While some newcomers to the philosophy might idealistically presuppose their cause is about a socialist utopia, the outcomes of socialism in practice in diverse nations have almost all ended in poverty and misery.

In contrast, Dr. King was all about constructive action directed at racial and social healing — through truth, love, and non-violent debate and protest.

King recognized that the self-evident truth in the Declaration of Independence “that all men are created equal . . . with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,” wasn’t realized in 1776, nor when theU.S. Constitutionwas ratified some 14 years later. Nor was Lincoln’sGettysburg Addressproposition “that all men are created equal” fulfilled through the Civil War’sEmancipation Proclamationof 1863.

King would be jailed some 29 times trying to fulfill such ideals.

In King’s most famous “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered from Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial (Aug. 28, 1963), it was as if the Almighty was calling America to rise up and fulfill its spiritual destiny.

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What’s most significant and formidable about the man was the unique, vital, and powerful role he played in the unfinished progress of America.

He rose to the challenge of completing the course of redemption in American history.

Nearly 200 years after the vision expressed in the Declaration of Independence, and nearly 100 years after the Civil War and Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, Martin Luther King fulfilled his redemptive mission

He sacrificed his life to finish the work he described as making people, “Free at last,” on April 4, 1968 in Memphis Tennessee.

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Resolve to Speak Truth

It is January. time for New Year’s resolutions. Often made, rarely kept.

I do have one resolution that would make your life very uncomfortable for a moment, and then much more comfortable forever. Speak the truth of your mind.

Actually, admitting truths to yourself, and expressing them where it is most needed and likely unwelcome, is the path toward a more serene existence.

When someone behaves in a definitely “inappropriate” way with you, take a breath and don’t merely say, “That’s inappropriate.” That is limp.

Instead, if someone grabs your butt, strokes your breast, grabs at your genitals, or makes a lascivious comment, call it out loud at the moment it happens!

So, instead of, “That was inappropriate,” how about in a loud voice: “Don’t you dare grab my … again ever!” or, loudly: “Wouldn’t your wife/husband be upset to hear you suggest sexual acts with me?”

Why would you not respond immediately and definitively? Let me count the ways: Some part of you was titillated, you are embarrassed, you don’t want to make a scene, you will be seen as oversensitive, there might be confrontation or retaliation, you might lose some advantage, and on and on.

How many of you do it — whatever it is — because you make an appraisal in your mind that the cost/gain benefit is not in your favor? And you choose the route that does not maximize your self-respect. Trade-off time?

Sacrifice is difficult.

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Dr. Laura (Laura Schlessinger) is a well-known radio personality and best-selling author. She appears regularly on many television shows and in many publications. Listen to Dr. Laura on SiriusXM Channel 111, Mon.–Sat. 2–6pm ET, Sun. 5–9pm ET.​ Read Dr. Laura’s Reports — More Here.