One “Force” Against Communism

That’s right. I said communism. Okay socialism… Bigger Government! Government Control! Trash the United States of America! Trash the U. S. Constitution. Trash specifically the Bill of Rights! That’s what they have done in Washington DC.

Did you see how FAST Donald Trump got better–got over COVID-19? Donald Trump at the time was a 74 year old man. He was back up and out on the streets in 3 days. How is that? How did his treatment allow him to do that and have no relapse? They are not telling Americans everything. The government is holding back good therapies for Americans in favor of new & very expensive experimental vaccines. The “Science” is not focused on real data and real facts. They held back therapies that help fight the virus from American’s and let them die of the virus. Taxpayers spent millions of $ we don’t have on new vaccines. Big pharma is getting rich and yes there will be some lives saved. There will also be some terrible reactions to experimental vaccines with no or very low volume trials.

Now, listen to another perspective on how to respond wisely to pandemic threats.